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EAC gets a new Logo

EA Construction (EAC) gets a new look

We have exciting times ahead at EAC. The company is steadily growing, we are involved with some really good projects and have some great potential opportunities for the future. As a company EAC always wants to improve and better ourselves, which is why we are now looking to improve our branding and our company’s visual identity. The new EAC logo will be rolled out on our social media and new website.

We have teamed up with Fearless Creative, a design agency in Edinburgh. They have a great reputation for branding and logo design. We have been through the logo design process and are delighted with our new logo. You will no doubt be seeing a lot more of it.

If you would like help with branding or logo design from Fearless Creative a message. If you would like to speak to our team drop us a message.

EA Construction Scotland Ltd logo Fearless Creative Edinburgh Leon Wilkes Logo design
EAC - EA Construction Scotland Ltd Civil Engineering Building Contractors
EAC - EA Construction Scotland Ltd Civil Engineering Building Contractors

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